29 | He/Him | Taken | Autistic

About ShinyRaichu94

Hey everyone! I'm ShinyRaichu94!
I make some Walfas Videos and comics. Such as Komachi Calamity and the Boss Fairy's Journey.


  • Touhou Project

  • Walfas

  • Anime

  • (More Coming Soon...)


  • Some Official Touhou Games

  • Super Smash Bros. Ultimate

  • Splatoon 2

  • Pokemon

  • Gensou SkyDrift

  • 100% Orange Juice

  • Rayman

  • Touhou Cannonball

  • Touhou Danmaku Kagura

  • (More Coming Soon...)

Known as

  • A Walfaser

  • A Gamer

  • A Gensou SkyDrifter

  • A Touhou Cannonball Fan

Favorite Characters

Touhou Project

  • Nitori Kawashiro (My #1 Favorite 2hu)

  • Suwako Moriya

  • Koishi Komeiji

  • Shinmyoumaru Sukuna

  • Yuyuko Saigyouji

  • Wriggle Nightbug

  • Byakuren Hijiri

  • Doremy Sweet

  • Sekibanki

  • Suika Ibuki

  • Hata no Kokoro

  • Keiki Haniyasushin

  • Letty Whiterock

Friend Codes & Stuff

Friend Codes

  • Nintendo Switch FC: SW-6759-1987-2470

  • Super Mario Maker 2 ID: S04-X68-T3G

  • Pokemon Home FC: FJTUKGKWLUQU

  • Steam FC: 365465145

  • Animal Crossing Pocket Camp ID: 8253-8919-631

  • Pokemon Masters FC: 0239-7664-7061-8182

Friend Codes from Dead Games

  • Touhou Cannonball ID: X9RRCX

  • Danmaku Kagura ID: cbuT2PKO

Micro Banners of Friends

˅ Here's mine! (If you wanna add me to your page) ˅